We are experts in precision weighing since 1908
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  • What is the difference between scale and balance?

    The difference in mechanical balances is in function of its principle of operation. Scales measure the force exerted by...

  • What is a bi-range balance?

    The weighing range of a balance is divided. It starts with a fine range that has more precision (d1)....

  • What is a micro balance and a semi-micro balance?

    A micro balance is an analytical balance with precision d = 0.001 mg. A semi-micro balance is an analytical...

  • What is the difference between internal and external calibration?

    External calibration requires the use of an external standard mass. During an external calibration, the calibration is adjusted with...

  • What is the uncertainty of a balance?

    From the point of view of metrology, uncertainty is defined as the characteristic associated with the result of a...

  • What is traceability?

    Traceability is the property of the result of a measure whereby this result can be related to or refer...

  • Why is it important to calibrate?

    The aging of the components, changes in temperature and the mechanical stress that the equipment supports deteriorates little by...

  • What is calibration?

    Calibration is simply the procedure for comparing what an instrument indicates and what it “should indicate” according to a...
